Getting the best tire without being screwed can be an uphill task. Generally, all manufacturers will constantly sing praises of their products and if not careful, you may become a victim of trickery. You need to be shrewd to avoid being hammered on the pricing or get killed on mounting and disposal charges, which sometimes may even exceed the cost of a single tire. This article will help avoid this danger.

The cheapest tires can be of help to you if you intend to dispose of your car in the near future. Well, you may have been plagued with high costs of living. The ever increasing prices of fuel can be discouraging as well and prompt you to make cheap purchase decisions. But remember, most of these tires do not live up to the expectations. Evening lasting up to their limited warranty time (mostly 30,000 to 40,000 miles) may be a dream. The thing is, you should, by all means, avoid cheapies. In addition, do not fall for second-hand tires. They may be too costly in the end.

Planning early enough can save you thousands of dollars. This involves making a decision regarding the best time to shop for tires. Generally, the prices of most of the products skyrocket during holidays and the periods when the festive season is still prevalent. Trust you me, these are times manufacturers and dealers make up to 100% profit. The bottom line is if you need cheap but quality tires, plan ahead and avoid shopping for them over the holidays.
The tire Rack along with Consumer Reports will help in this regard. You will reap maximum benefits if you use them to determine the best tire for you, depending on the conditions of the area you live and how you drive. Still, here is another secret that can save you close to a hundred dollars. Do online research on the brand of your chosen tire along with the appropriate size, usually shown on the side wall. It is equally imperative to check the prevailing rebates of the tire stores close to your residential area through their websites. This could be the best way to make larger savings.
You may avoid being locked into more unnecessary costs if you avoid credit card offers. The thing is, some manufacturers will extend offers of up to $70 if you submit payment via your credit card but their intention is to lock in the card. Henceforth, it may only be used for infrequent tire purchases. This is because of the automatic payment that you set.
It is simple. You only need to follow the four directions already discussed. In short, get the best price for the tire online, contact nearby retailers to establish the cut-rate price for mounting and balancing along with the disposal fee. Thereafter you can make comparisons. By so doing, you will not only get the cheap tires, but also the best qualities.
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